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We Are Stage Creation

Imagine and Create Something Amazing for the Future

Connecting ‘People to People’

Connecting ‘People to Places’

Connecting ‘Places to the World, and to the Future’


We have created various “projects” through architecture and construction.

*Architecture is the whole or part of the process of planning, designing and constructing a structure that holds a space for human activities.

Through architecture and construction, we have had the opportunity to act as an adviser for our clients on various projects. The most common subject of consultation was the ‘revitalization’ of villages and towns, so we researched the real meaning of ‘revitalization’.

The dictionary says:
‘Revitalizing a village or town’ is to revive and redevelop. Indeed, it is very important to revitalize an area, however, we must never forget to also 感恩報謝 – Kan On Hou Sha – appreciate and give back.
(Appreciate and give back with the utmost gratitude to the person who gave you kindness. The etymology of ‘Gratitude’).

Our mission is to connect the present and the future, but also pay much respect to our predecessors in the past who have built the world we live in today. We must continue working on this foundation so we can hand it on to the future.

“Hand the Baton to the Future”

Stage Creation has established with the desire to create “work that connects to the future”, “work that connects people to places” and “work that connects people to people” Changing our gear from ‘Architecture’ to ‘Human Relations’.
We are here to connect people’s ‘Happiness’ and ‘Entertainment’.



The ‘Joy’ of connecting the present with the future (Joy = Satisfaction)

The ‘Joy’ of connecting work with people (Joy = Happiness)

The ‘Joy’ of connecting ‘Fun’ with work (Joy = Excitement)

The ability to detect people and the outside world through our ‘senses’.



Sight = Point of view  (What to see)

Hearing = Listening  (What to listen)

Touch = Response  (What to touch)

Taste = Taste buds  (What kind of flavour)

Smell = Scent  (What kind of smell)


Temperature = Temperature sensor (Thermoception *1)

Space = Space recognition (Proprioception *2)

Balance = Sense of balance (Body Balance *3)

*1 register heat and cold = Thermoception

*2 be aware of the position and movement of the body. = Proprioception

*3 maintain the center of gravity = Body Balance

Sharpen the eight senses (5 senses + 3 senses) and pay attention to changes in the surrounding environment.

Focus on the keys to success.

Accept things as they are and embrace their pure state, and always find joy in everything!

→Observe→Feel→ Communicate→Learn→ (Repeat those 4 processes)



Explore and understand what you’ve learnt not only with your eyes but using all your senses.


After careful observation, recognize the feeling and impression that you’d receive from communicating with people and matters.


Convey and communicate your feelings with your own words.


By communicating, receive education and learn.

We are right beside you when you need to ‘connect’.